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B8 Electronics
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B8 Electronics
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#3578 din 3578 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2008
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Scrie o parere
B8 Electronics B8 Electronics 33-473280836 Parc Technologique - La Pardieu - 27 rue Jean Claret, Clermont-ferrand, -
Produse si servicii

electronic components, semiconductors, integrated circuits, discrete, passive, active

Tipul companiei

Import - Export

Piata de desfacere

Europa de Vest

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2008!
B8 Electronics is an international independent distributor import/export of electronic component for the electronic industry.

We source semiconductors, integrated circuits, discrete, passive, active, military parts and electro-mechanical components. We aim to provide a reliable and completely independent service, a service you can depend on

Take advantage of our 15 years of industry experience to assist you to get parts at a fair price with a high quality service. Whatever the size or type of your company, B8 Electronics is designed to meet your needs.

'Interested in cutting your current buying price on regular parts by 5 to 20% of your negociated price?

As we all know, prices for the same part can vary a lot depending on the country: US, Europe, Asia...

We are cutting current buying price by 5 to 20% on regular parts: memories, microcontrollers, niche product...

Sourcing : we find the parts you need, quickly!

At B8 Electronics, we are a team of professional people dedicated to serve you better. Our experience over 10 years in this competitive market allow us to offer you a reliable service without compromised.

Shortage Management / Cost Reduction / Excess Management / Last Time Buy / End of Life Product

Call us ! Thanks !
Din Gura in Gura